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We Want to Hear from You

The key to a great senior living experience is transparency. Find out what our residents are saying about our community, or let us know what you think by filling out our contact us form.

We strive to provide the best experience possible, and your feedback is essential to achieving this goal.

Why Choose The Terraces at Lawrence?

There is always something delicious to look forward to. Enjoy stunning chef-prepared meals made custom to your diet and taste.


Live in the lap of luxury. Each suite provides an incredible range of amenities to help you feel right at home.

Gallery & Floor Plans

There is never a dull moment in our community. Take part in an exclusive selection of activities and services and reinvigorate your life and wellbeing.

Services & Amenities

Our Location

The Terraces at Lawrence is located in the historic community of Lawrenceville, nestled in between Trenton and Princeton, NJ. Get Directions.

Our Address

  • One Bishops’ Drive
  • Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Contact Information

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